The announcement was water flowing on red planet.
Where we find water, we find life or at least that's the case on earth.
The Rebel.
nasa is holding a press conference today entiltled " mars mystery solved".
speculation is they will announce the discovery of flowing water on mars?.
the significance of this is that it raises the possibility of possible past life or future existence on the planet.. the rebel..
The announcement was water flowing on red planet.
Where we find water, we find life or at least that's the case on earth.
The Rebel.
nasa is holding a press conference today entiltled " mars mystery solved".
speculation is they will announce the discovery of flowing water on mars?.
the significance of this is that it raises the possibility of possible past life or future existence on the planet.. the rebel..
It clearly is a privalige to live in this scientific age. Imagine all the great scientist from the past who would be in awe of what so many take for granted today.
The Rebel.
nasa is holding a press conference today entiltled " mars mystery solved".
speculation is they will announce the discovery of flowing water on mars?.
the significance of this is that it raises the possibility of possible past life or future existence on the planet.. the rebel..
If your an ex witness who likes a flatter, the book makers are taking bets, and the clear favourite is water has been discovered.
The Rebel
nasa is holding a press conference today entiltled " mars mystery solved".
speculation is they will announce the discovery of flowing water on mars?.
the significance of this is that it raises the possibility of possible past life or future existence on the planet.. the rebel..
Sorry Kate, that was the link provided by the Daily Mail, who are running the story. Thank you for providing the better link. Appreciated.
The Rebel.
how accurate is the bible?
the "compiled" version (council of nicaea) was not established for hundreds, or even thousands, of years after events happened.
stories were handed down generation to generation to generation before being written down.
You make an interesting point when you mention Shakespeare millie210.
Actually the most profound statement I have ever read was Shakespears "To be or not to be"
The Rebel.
nasa is holding a press conference today entiltled " mars mystery solved".
speculation is they will announce the discovery of flowing water on mars?.
the significance of this is that it raises the possibility of possible past life or future existence on the planet.. the rebel..
Concrete evidence of liquid water discoverd on another planet would be awesome.
The Rebel.
nasa is holding a press conference today entiltled " mars mystery solved".
speculation is they will announce the discovery of flowing water on mars?.
the significance of this is that it raises the possibility of possible past life or future existence on the planet.. the rebel..
Well I hope the whole thing is not an anti climax, and that it is a scientific discovery of great importance. We will find out in a few hours.
The Rebel.
nasa is holding a press conference today entiltled " mars mystery solved".
speculation is they will announce the discovery of flowing water on mars?.
the significance of this is that it raises the possibility of possible past life or future existence on the planet.. the rebel..
nasa is holding a press conference today entiltled " mars mystery solved".
speculation is they will announce the discovery of flowing water on mars?.
the significance of this is that it raises the possibility of possible past life or future existence on the planet.. the rebel..
None the less Punk, we will find out at a live briefing 430 B.S.T.
Iam not convinced about your radioactive monsters, thought. I have more confidence in my Elvis theory.
Seriously I think this could be a very interesting news conference, and I look forward to it.
The Rebel.
how accurate is the bible?
the "compiled" version (council of nicaea) was not established for hundreds, or even thousands, of years after events happened.
stories were handed down generation to generation to generation before being written down.
What irritates me with the bible,.So and so begot so and so was the brother of so and so and the father of someone else. This can go on for page after page. The monotonous reading up of this noncence can send anyone to sleep.
The Rebel.